
SugarCRM and Epicor Integration

Connect your Epicor ERP with Sugar to synchronise key information, import product data and retrieve CRM records.

How does the integration work?

The standard enable.services integration between SugarCRM and Epicor utilises the enableFlow middleware platform to exchange core CRM information into Epicor and retrieve core operational data from Epicor into Sugar.

sugar and epicor

Integration Benefits

Enhanced Reporting

Combine ERP operational data with sales data from your CRM to analyse pipeline trends and patterns.

Product Data

View ERP orders in SugarCRM to gain insights into recent order history and delivery statuses.

Synchronised Quotes

Using ERP data, quote in your CRM and have the prices available in ERP to help with order creation.

Screenshot of Sugar and epicor on laptop with logos
sugar and epicor

Key Features

Contact Us

Fill out the form below and our team will be in touch to discuss your business requirements and help your team integrate SugarCRM and Epicor.