How CRM can improve customer service

How CRM can improve customer service

Managing customer data is crucial in modern business, and excellent customer service shapes positive customer perceptions.

We’ve all been there: struggling to recall the number of a client who requested a callback? Or did that catch-up meeting slip your mind? A CRM system solves these issues by storing everything in a secure, simple, and easy-to-use environment. Find the information you need to provide great customer service, exactly when you need it, and without forgetting a thing.

How do you streamline communication with customers?

How CRM can improve customer service

Using a CRM streamlines communication with every single client. Storing and regularly updating information such as contact numbers, the stage of sale, plus any additional notes you need for future contact means everyone is on the same page.

A centralised database of information is arguably the most important factor for efficient  customer communication. A CRM system stores all the information such as contact numbers, stages of sales, plus additional notes, all of which is accessible to the whole team.

A database that any team member can view and edit minimises confusion and ensures all client interactions are up-to-date. For example, below is an account which has been contacted. The client wanted an urgent update on their order which has been written up as a note ready to be passed onto the appropriate person. This can also be assigned to someone, meaning they will be notified and prompt them to respond.

How CRM can improve customer service

Proactive customer service

It’s good to be there when your customers need you, but what about anticipating support before it’s asked for? Providing proactive customer service boosts customers’ perception of you and increases the likelihood that they recommend your company to others.

A great feature to utilise proactively is filtering the database to find what you need and creating tasks for those accounts. For instance, setting filters to identify accounts that haven’t been contacted in the last 30 days, are in the banking industry, and are located in London. Then, pinpoint specific clients that need attention, resulting in one account in this example.

How CRM can improve customer service

A proactive approach is to use this method to identify which clients need follow-ups. If we then decide to go ahead with contacting them and the client needs anything done, we can create a task within that account for organisation and accountability.

Screenshot of creating a task within an account in SugarCRM

How does a CRM give a personalised customer experience?

Keeping information relevant that you send to clients and prospects is one of the most important things to consider when producing content. Knowing what they want to hear and see, and what they don’t, is essential for effective marketing efforts.

When planning campaigns, a rich database full of data such as what individuals have purchased, what customers have inquired about or even, what web pages they have visited highlights the customisable power of a CRM.

Say for example you launch a new product targeted at existing customers in specific industries. You can use your CRM’s filters within the reports module. With filters, you can target only those specific industries selected and only clients which were acquired after January 2018, creating specific customer segmentation.

Screenshot of creating a report within SugarCRM

When this report has run, there is a total count of 32 targets for this campaign, which can be downloaded as a CSV file, then uploaded into a distribution list ready for our email campaign to begin.

Screenshot of the report results

Creating a trusted touchpoint

Customer Relationship Management is all about maintaining a high quality relationship between your company and the customers. One simple way to do this is by assigning a given team member to be the touchpoint for all queries and needs for particular accounts.

In this example, Jen Smith has been assigned to the account, meaning Jen will be the single point of contact for any queries they may have.

Screenshot of an accounts business card, showing the assigned user

What if my customer base grows?

One of the greatest advantages of a CRM system is its scalability. As the business expands, the CRM evolves with it. Managing increasing volumes of data and interactions without compromising customer service quality eases as you implement CRM processes.

A standout feature of a CRM system is its adaptability. You can modify the layout or the information you input. It evolves in line with your business needs, and these changes can be made quickly and with minimal disruption, ensuring the CRM grows and adapts to your requirements at any given time.

As your business grows with the CRM, security remains a top priority. With robust measures like data encryption, role-based access controls, and single sign-on, your data is well-protected, giving you complete peace of mind.

If you’re wondering why you don’t have a CRM yet, it’s time to contact With over twenty years of experience in optimising customer relationships with SugarCRM, we can set up a tailored demo to demonstrate just how essential a CRM is for your business.

Simply fill out the contact form below and we’ll be in contact very soon.

    Posted in SugarCRM

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