What does SugarCRM integrate with?
Already reaping the rewards of SugarCRM? Then you’ll be glad to know that you don’t need to isolate your workflow. With software integrations, you can bridge the gap between reports and the valuable apps you use everyday.
Working with clients across different industries often requires speaking multiple software languages. For growing businesses, implementing new software is essential, but workers often find themselves switching between multiple channels on a daily basis. Luckily, SugarCRM provides a variety of integrations to keep all your work centralised.
Which apps do you already use throughout your workday that you’d like to see integrated in your CRM system? We’ve taken a look at five powerful apps and platforms that easily integrate with SugarCRM.
1. Zoominfo: View company profiles - fast
If you are in a virtual meeting with a client, you wouldn’t want to open a separate tab to search for an overview of their company. This would mean Google-searching and scrolling through a website. With Zoominfo integrated into your SugarCRM, you can easily pull up the company name, direct dials,company revenue and much more directly on your dashboard.
2. Docusign: Capture Signatures
Another reason not to leave your SugarCRM dashboard is to manage documents and have them safely and securely signed in one window. Integrating Docusign, a certified carbon-neutral facility, will speed up business agreements for your company.
If you are closing a deal that is time-sensitive, this integration will help by providing a service from a recognisable brand that your customer will see earlier in the process and respond positively to. The add-on handles the protocols behind document signing with stringent global security standards, so you can focus on business management.
3. Linkedin: Social Media Sales
Working with professionals and brands online requires a clear visual idea of what they do, who they are connected to and examples of their previous work. LinkedIn profiles aren’t always easy to find, so navigating from SugarCRM to LinkedIn needs an extra-special pathway. Most importantly, if you’ve been hard at work connecting with leads on Linkedin and building your target markets,you’ll be relieved to know that SugarCRM integrates smoothly with Linkedin Sales Navigator and the rest of the LinkedIn ecosystem.
4. Sage: Accounting & Payroll
If your invoices, payroll and sales orders are managed by your accounting department with Sage software, you can integrate them to keep the information synchronized. Why choose one platform when you can use both?
Sage 50 simplifies complex accounting and offers real-time visibility into your finances. On the communications side of CRM, a small business can connect Sugar Market with their Sage customer data to optimize marketing emails. If your customer service or helpdesk staff frequently respond to troubleshooting problems with orders, Sage seamlessly integrates with SugarCRM, allowing them to focus on their customers. This flexibility sets SugarCRM apart from other customer service CRMs that are restricted to built-in, clunky invoicing systems.
5. Epicor with enableFlow: Secure data retrieval
With a large amount of valuable information securely stored in your CRM,, there’s always room to share it. And this needs to be done swiftly, without the risk of double data entry. By adopting the newly launched workflow management system, enableFlow, you can transfer core operational data, including shipping addresses from Epicor to SugarCRM.
Epicor handles data with strong encryption and adheres to GDPR, making it a great fit for enableFlow, which uses containerization in transactional flows.
The five apps mentioned here are just a few of the many excellent integrations available for SugarCRM users. Keep your internal and external business processes flexible by staying connected. You can upgrade your business without losing the apps that have previously complimented your efforts.
Choosing the right IT solution is something that can be decided internally, or with the help of enable.services consultants. When it comes to implementing, finding the right integration is the first step, and then downloading the package is the next. Unless you have a developer in-house, this is easier said than done! At enable we specialize in integrating Epicor software to SugarCRM because we have a hand-built system. We can discuss all the integrations you are looking at and make a plan to help your CRM shine.
To discuss the vision you have for your CRM, speak to our SugarCRM support team, or alternatively if you need help starting with SugarCRM, book a SugarCRM Demo below.