How to use dependencies in

Featured image, showing a graphic of a Gantt chart and text "Dependencies in"

In our previous blog, we showcased how to create a Gantt chart in and how to change the way that chart looks. Gantt charts give you a visualisation of how your projects are coming along.

But what if we want to have strict timings with our tasks? After all, it would be hard to build a shed or house without the bricks being ordered and delivered first. 

If you have deadlines or tasks that depend on the completion of other tasks in that project, you need to use dependencies on Dependencies allow you to create relationships between items in the same board, making one task depend on another being complete or at a certain stage before the next can begin.

The head item acts as a ‘parent’ task that the ‘child’ task is dependent on, meaning the ‘child’ item will not change automatically until the parent item’s dependency condition has been fulfilled.

After setting up, view your dependencies in flow through your Gannt chart. So let’s show you how!

How to set up dependencies in

Dependencies are set up within individual boards. First, select which board you would like to set up a dependency on. Once you have your board, navigate to the “+” (add column) symbol at the top of any of your groups of items.

Screenshot of showing how to add the dependency column

When the search bar comes up, type in “dependency” and select the result!

Screenshot of showing how to select dependencies

You’ll then be met with a pop-up asking you which mode you’d like to use for your dependencies. You have three options:

Screenshot of dependency modes

Flexible mode: This allows you to move tasks around without affecting other tasks unless you try to push a parent task past the date of its dependent child task. This option is ideal if your projects can tolerate some changes and you expect occasional adjustments to project dates.

Strict mode: This mode maintains the exact intervals between tasks. If one task is moved, all subsequent tasks that continue a dependency chain shift by the same amount of time. This is perfect for teams that need a consistent timeline for each task and want to ensure uniformity even if one stage of your project is delayed.

No Action mode: As the name suggests, this option means that changing the date of the parent task, even if it extends past its dependent child task’s date, will not automatically adjust the dates of other tasks. This is suitable if you prefer a more relaxed approach while still maintaining task connections.

This can be edited later so don’t stress about it too much! Once you decide which option is best for you, select it and click save.

Creating item dependencies

Now it’s time to start creating dependencies between different items on your board. Simply click on the dependency column for the child item of your choice, and select the parent item you want it to be dependent on.

In this example, I have made the child item ‘Bring in furniture’ dependent on the parent item, ‘Fit kitchen’.

Screenshot of showing how to connect dependencies to items

Once you have selected a dependency, head over to your Gantt view.

When viewing the chart, locate the item with a dependency, and you’ll notice a line connecting it to the task it depends on. For example, just as we set up on the board earlier, “Bring in furniture” is dependent on “Fit kitchen”, and this relationship is represented by a connecting line on the Gantt chart.

Dependency Image

The Gantt chart displays all of the dependencies which are on your board. When a few more dependencies have been added to your board, they are automatically added onto the Gantt view as seen below.

Screenshot of showing how dependencies are automatically updated from your board onto the Gantt chart

As our Gantt view fills up with dependencies, things might start to look a bit busy, but don’t worry! You can easily drill down into any item by clicking on the coloured line. This will provide all the information you need about a specific task, including its status, dependencies, and specific custom fields such as cost. You can view and update everything from here.

Dependency Image

Moving tasks on a Gantt view

This is where the dependency modes come into play.

Currently, our dependency column is in flexible mode. This means when we move tasks with dependencies, the dependent tasks won’t be overtaken but they also won’t maintain a set time period between the tasks.

The task ‘Bring in furniture’ depends on the completion of ‘Fit kitchen’ with about a week in between. But what if fitting the kitchen overruns? To avoid any further delays to the project, we need to shift that task and push back subsequent tasks.

Screenshot of to show the dependency of one item to another

From the graphic below, as the parent task ‘Fit kitchen’ is moved, the ‘Bring in furniture’ child task also shifts forward. While this prevents tasks from overlapping, it reduces the original gap between them.

GIF of to show what happens when you try to push the child item past the parent item on flexible mode

So what’s the solution? Switching the dependency mode of course!

Head back to the main view on the board, and select the three dots next to the ‘dependency’ column header.

Dependency Image

Then head to Settings and ‘Customise Dependency column’.

Screenshot to show where to find the "customise dependency column"

Now you can choose the mode for your dependencies. Currently, we’re in flexible mode, but we want to maintain the set gap between tasks. This way, if one task is delayed, the rest of the project shifts accordingly!

Let’s switch to strict mode and see what happens. Select Strict then hit save!

Screenshot of to show how to confirm the change of dependency mode

In this updated mode, when you move a task with a dependency, the following tasks move by the same amount. This ensures your projects run much smoother.

GIF to show how the strict dependency mode works on a Gant chart

Viewing dependencies on a dashboard Gantt view

Dependencies not only appear on the board where they are created, but also on your dashboards! For example, in our projects dashboard below, you can see all the dependencies set up across various boards, giving you a comprehensive view of the collective progress for all your projects.

Dependency Image

And just like the Gantt view within our boards, you can click on each item to edit it directly from your dashboard.

Thanks for reading our blog on dependencies within There is also a video available, explaining how dependencies work in Click the image below to watch that video!

If you require further assistance with, fill out the contact form below and we will be in touch shortly.

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