Need SugarCRM Support?
We’ll fix it FAST with our new support offering 📦 have been excelling in SugarCRM support for nearly 20 years. With our ever-growing helpdesk, expert projects team and extensive training services, we’ve developed one of the biggest SugarCRM support systems in the world.
But as we evolve, so do our services. Our brand new package takes support to the next level, it’s called Enhanced End User Support. This dedicated support service is available to all Sugar users looking for an extra bit of help with reports, dashboards and the more advanced features in SugarCRM.
Why do I need SugarCRM End User Support?
Scouring the internet for demos and tutorials when it comes to CRM software can be frustrating. As a Sugar user, you may want to learn how to create a simple report or how to customise your dashboards in a specific way. And with much bigger projects on your plate, you don’t have the time to spend hours searching for the answers – you want them quickly and easily.
That’s where our End User Support Specialists come in. Having been in advanced customer support roles for several years, our specialists provide simple as well as complex tutorials, stopping you from having to spend precious time trying to figure things out yourself. They are just a phone call away, jump on a meeting with our experts and get your questions answered in no time.
Meet our End User Support Specialists

Say hello to Nord and Tom, our in-house Sugar experts. They work with our customers everyday to assist with any queries and demonstrate features of Sugar. With 6 years of SugarCRM experience combined, you know that you’re in good hands.

What's included in' End User Support plan?
The SugarCRM basics
No question is ever a “stupid” question. Never hesitate to strip it back to the basics and ask us where something is or something you once learned but have since forgotten. That’s what End User Support is there for – no query is too small. As daily users of Sugar, we always forget how to do things and it’s easy to get lost inside complicated CRM software.
Assistance with reporting
Want to create a custom report but not sure how to do it? This is the perfect opportunity to make the most out of’ support specialists. Let’s say you want to create a report to review your monthly sales, but for UK customers only. Our specialists are here to show you the way so you can analyse your results within minutes!
Dashboard configuration
When it comes to managing dashboards and dashlets, things can get a little confusing. If you need help personalising shared dashboards or customising pre-made dashboards provided with Sugar Sell, Serve or Enterprise, give us a call or email and we can help you achieve your dashboard goals.
In-depth how-to's and demos
You might have more than one question and that’s totally okay. We’re happy to jump on a call at any time that suits you and check off your list of queries. Enhanced End User Support isn’t just for Sugar pros, but is great for those new to the system who are still getting to know their way around.
How to purchase SugarCRM Enhanced End User Support
With monthly and yearly plans, you’ll receive a friendly point of contact from our in-house team. Whether you need something demonstrated to you or you simply have a few questions, we’re here to help. While our helpdesk still manages bug fixes and system issues, our End User Support Specialists are there to support your entire team and make sure your business is utilising Sugar to its full potential.
Sign up for SugarCRM Enhanced End User Support below and our team will be in touch.